The Sun
Free, clean and inexhaustible power source. Every day for an hour, the sun generates enough energy to power the world for an entire year *.
*Source: Al Gore, TED, February/2016
Photovoltaic system
Popularly known as solar power system, it uses sun light to produce electrical energy.
Did you know?
“The worst sun” in Brazil is on average four times better than “the best sun” in Germany.
What EcoSolar does
Photovoltaic System Sizing
- Basic and Detailed Electrical Projects
- Approval Procedure by the Company providing Electrical Power
- Equipment and Material Supply
- Assembly and Electrical Installation
- Performance Confirmation

Clean and transportable electricity.
Decrease in electricity expenses
CO2 emissions reduction
Decrease in dependence on the electric utility
Becoming a sustainable company
Continue saving money for at least another 25 years after installing the photovoltaic system.
Brazilian electricity compensation system

According to ANEEL’s (Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica) Normative Resolutions, a building that generates electricity from the sun consumes part of that electricity and may inject another part of it into the utility’s grid, which will be transformed into credit. This credit can, for example, be used in other buildings of the same company or used for night consumption when there is no generation by the sun. It can also be shared by a group of people gathered in a consortium or a cooperative.
Every photovoltaic system can be monitored by you and by us. EcoSolar tracks system performance to ensure it delivers the same or more power than that which it is programed for. This knowledge is shared with you, enabling you to manage and optimize your power consumption.
It depends on some variables. The advantage of EcoSolar is that, through its engineering expertise, it is able to scale the most efficient system, i.e. the one that generates the most energy at the lowest cost. We can do a pre-study to provide an approximate value.
In principle, yes. But we need to analyze the availability of the area, solar radiation, shading by surrounding buildings, among other factors.
No. Installation is carried out by trained professionals from a detailed executive project. Installation time varies according to system size.