We believe that the planet can be better if we ourselves are better. We know that we can contribute to build a sustainable world by providing renewable energy. We can also help reduce CO2 emissions, social inequality and hunger with innovative solutions such as the Container EcoSolar®. To this end, we seek to use resources responsibly and consider it essential to establish ethical and transparent relationships with customers, suppliers, service providers and employees.
EcoSolar was born with the know-how of PDCA Engenharia, which has been working for over twenty years carrying out projects and studies in various specialties, especially in the electrical engineering area. Located in Campinas/Brazil, it brings together a multidisciplinary team that participates in projects throughout the country and in all market segments. Known for its reliability, its clients are large, national and international companies. Its differentials are related to the delivery of all-encompassing solutions and to high level technical staff, commited to good engineering practices.


Roberto Ferro
Roberto is a Technical Assistant in Electrical Engineering with over 40 years of experience. Since 2002 he has been a partner of PDCA Engenharia and since 2015 has been responsible for project implementation at EcoSolar.

Francisco Barbosa
Francisco is an electrical engineer graduated from UNIFEI, active in this segment for 40 years and lecturer in Industrial Electrical Systems Protection courses. Since 1996 he has been the managing partner of PDCA Engenharia and from 2015 onwards he has been EcoSolar’s Director of Operations.

Helena Barbosa
Helena is communication specialist (PUC Campinas), specialist in Corporate Social Responsibility (FGV SP), new businesses administrator (FGV RJ), holds a master degree in public administration (London School of Economics) e e has large professional experience in the Brazilian public sector. She is Institutional Director at EcoSolar.

Cândido Coutinho
Cândido has over 40 years of professional experience and is an electrical engineer graduated from UFRJ, with experience in photovoltaic generation and in management of industrial projects and plants and power plants.

Adriano Tenório
Adriano is an electrical engineer graduated from UNICAMP, with experience in precision agriculture. He has worked in the industrial area in electrical maintenance services, control and production management. He is responsible for the technical at EcoSolar and scales photovoltaic systems.

Amiraldo Sampaio
Amiraldo is an electrical engineer and a master’s degree student in Urban Infrastructure Systems at PUC Campinas and a member of the New Generation Project. He has worked in the areas of electricity continuity indicators, risk mitigation and mapping of electrical assemblies.